Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011


For a long time Emil has wanted to buy a remote-controlled toy car. But his mom wouldn’t let him have one
“It’s expensive, Honey” She said.
“When i have the money, i’ll buy it for you”.
“When will you get the money, Mom? Emil asked
“I’m now saving, Honey” She explained.
“Have a drink first, Dear” She said
“Hey, Where are you going?!” She cried
“I’m going to watch the boys play with the toy car!” Emil said.
“Aha.. i’m going to borrow Ical’s toy car. He has three” Emil said as he ran.
“I’m going to learn how to play it”
“Oops.. Whose wallet is this??” Emil said quietly
“There must be money in it.. cool!! I can buy a toy car now!” Emil said as he grinned.
“Subhanallah.. what a lot of money” Emil said in amazement
“This must be enough to buy a toy car! But, this is not mine..”
“Oh, this is Om Danu’s picture. He lives next to Ical” Emil Said
“He must have been searching for this wallet. I should give it back to him”
“But, if i return it, i won’t be able to buy the toy car!” Emil said
“But, this not Mom’s money”
“Assalamu’alaikum..” Emil said
“Wa’alaikum salam..” Om Danu replied
“Emil..? come in, Son..”
“Sir, i think i found your wallet on the road” Emil explained
“Alhamdulillah.. i’ve been searching for this”
Om Danu was very pleased with Emil’s honesty. The next day, he came and brought emil a present. It was a toy car with remote control.

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