Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

PULAU KEMBANG - The Monkey Island

Pulau Kembang

One of the famous tourist attractions in Kalimantan Selatan is Pulau Kembang.
Pulau kembang is located on the west of Banjarmasin. This island is about 1,5 KM from Banjarmasin. It is a delta on Barito River. Pulau kembang is habitat for Long-tailed Monkey and several species of birds. This place is a tourist attraction in Barito Kuala district. Pulau Kembang can only be accessed by river path, using Kelotok. To get there, it takes about 15 minutes.
The first sight is the long-tailed monkeys that had been waiting at the dock. They look could not wait to welcome us. It is because they usually get food from visitors, so do not be surprised if they dare to unpack our bags to find some food. Although they look a little aggressive, but the monkeys are tame enough. As long as we do not intimidate them, they will not attack.
In the middle of the island there is an altar. It is used by Chinese people to put offerings for "The Guard of Island". The Guard is represented by two statues shaped as White Monkey named Hanuman. According to the story, Pulau Kembang comes from the English ship were destroyed by the Biaju in the 1750s on the order of the Sultan Banjar. The debris of the ship then overgrown trees and turned into an island inhabited by a group of monkeys. Residents around Pulau Kembang believe that these monkeys are the incarnation, and led by the huge white monkey. 


Senin, 28 Mei 2012

5 Tipe Pencontek Saat Ujian

Yak, masih dalam semangat ujian middle test yang sungguh ceria! Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Tipe Pencontek Saat Ujian. Yap, tukang nyontek pun ada macem-macem lho! Kita ngomongin tipe-tipe kayak:

1. Pencontek Newbie

Pencontek newbie adalah orang yang baru belajar nyontek. Tipe pencontek ini biasanya baru menyadari bahwa tidak ada gunanya dia belajar dan akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk berpindah ke sisi gelap, yaitu dunia percontekan. Pencontek Newbie biasanya akan mempersiapkan banyak sekali contekan, tapi ketika datang saatnya untuk benar-benar mencontek, dia akan gugup sehingga gerak-geriknya menjadi sangat mencurigakan dan gampang ketahuan.
flow chart pencontek newbie

2. Pencontek Kepepet

Pencontek kepepet adalah orang-orang yang biasanya gak nyontek, tapi karena super kepepet akhirnya memutuskan untuk nyontek. Kepepetnya ini bisa macem-macem, bisa karena kalo nilainya dia kali ini jelek dia gak lulus/gak naik atau bisa juga karena dia gantung aja kalo nilainya gak 10. Pencontek kepepet biasanya gak mempersiapkan apa-apa, karena nyonteknya dadakan dan sebenernya gak ada niatan buat nyontek. Biasanya, trik yang mereka gunakan adalah nyontek temen sebelahnya atau bisa juga berusaha ngambil buku di tas.
nyontek kepepet

3. Pencontek Ngomong Doang

mulut besar
Pencontek ngomong doang adalah orang yang paling ribut soal mau nyontek pas sebelum ujian dimulai, tapi pas tiba saatnya ujian, dia sama sekali gak nyontek. Bahkan dicontekin pun biasanya juga gak mau. Biasanya alasan dia untuk mengumbar soal niatannya mencontek ini adalah agar dia terlihat asik di hadapan teman-temannya (Nyontek itu asik kan ya? Cool gitu kan?). Jadi pada dasarnya tipe ini gak bisa dibilang tukang nyontek sih. Tapi dia kan bawa-bawa nama nyontek!
Flow Chart Pencontek Ngomong Doang

4. Pencontek Nekat

nyontek temen
Pencontek nekat biasanya terdiri dari anak-anak yang udah nothing to lose. Biasanya pilihannya adalah gak nyontek dan udah pasti gak lulus atau berusaha nyontek dan dapet kemungkinan lulus, biarpun kemungkinan ketauan gede banget dan bisa jadi dia gak lulus juga. Bingung? Ya pokoknya nekat banget lah. Biasanya pencontek macem ini nyontek dengan cara yang paling terang-terangan, kayak pake buku atau terang-terangan ngeliat jawaban sebelahnya.
flow chart pencontek nekat

5. Pencontek Professional

nyontek expert
Pencontek professional adalah orang yang udah pasti nyontek saat ujian dan dia melakukannya dengan sungguh elegan dan kelas yang tinggi. Pencontek professional biasanya adalah orang-orang yang sangat tenang, penuh akal, dan pandai membaca situasi. Persiapan yang dilakukan oleh para pencontek professional ini juga sangat matang. Tidak jarang mereka membuat atau membeli alat-alat khusus yang kepentingannya hanya untuk mencontek semata.

flow chart nyontek profesional

Demikianlah! Termasuk pencontek tipe yang manakah kamu? Share jawaban kalian di kolom comment di bawah ya.

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Evolusi Mahasiswa

Manusia selalu berubah. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, pengalaman yang didapatkan, serta perubahan lingkungan, manusia selalu membuat perubahan-perubahan dalam hidupnya agar lebih baik. Salah satu tahap dalam hidup manusia yang penuh dengan perubahan adalah saat mereka kuliah. Selain jadwal yang selalu berubah setiap semesternya, mahasiswa pun berevolusi, seiring dengan lamanya mereka berada di kampus.
Setelah melakukan penelitian intensif selama bertahun-tahun, MBDC pun menemukan pola evolusi yang paling umum diikuti oleh para mahasiswa di Indonesia. Inilah dia.

Tingkat 1 

Pas tingkat 1, biasanya mahasiswa masih adaptasi sama lingkungan dan orang-orang baru, biasanya pakaiannya lumayan rapih, biar pencitraannya bagus gitu, apalagi di hadapan lawan jenis. Dan karena ketemu temen-temen baru, masih suka jaim, belom ketauan belang-belangnya. Tingkat 1 adalah waktu untuk membangun pencitraan.
Kalo soal kuliah, biasanya masih semangat-semangatnya. Semua buku dibawa, dari buku wajib (yang asli impor, harganya 500 ribu), buku suplemen dari perpus, catetan, dan laptop. Kalo ada asistensi/tutor/lab jam 7 malem pun pasti dijabanin. Tugas? Pastinya dikerjain banget!

Tingkat 2 

Di tingkat 2 ini biasanya lagi betah-betahnya di kampus, tapi bukan buat kuliah. Setelah mengerti trik-trik ampuh titip absen dan cabut kuliah, anak-anak tingkat 2 ini mulai menyadari kalo kuliah cuma masuk kelas doang itu nggak asik. Mereka mulai aktif di organisasi, ikut kepanitiaan acara ini itu, gabung di perkumpulan mahasiswa, masuk klub olahraga kampus, ikut seminar dll.
Biasanya mereka dateng pagi ke kampus. Terus setor muka sama absen di kelas sebentar, abis itu mulai sibuk rapat, team building, seminar ini itu. Penampilan juga udah nggak serapih tingkat 1. Udah mulai akrab sama temen-temen baru, gebetan juga udah dapet, jadi mulai cuek. Biasanya ke kampus pake kaos yang ada logo universitasnya gitu.

Tingkat 3

Di tingkat 3, biasanya udah jarang keliatan di kampus. Bukan karena bolos, tapi jadwal kuliah biasanya udah nggak sepadet 2 tahun pertama. Kalo dulu bisa tiap hari masuk, sekarang bisa cuma 3-4 hari ada kelas. Akibatnya, pas tingkat 3 ini jadi lebih sering jalan-jalan ama seneng-seneng ketimbang kuliah. Karena itu, biasanya pakaiannya lebih cocok buat ke mall daripada ke kampus.
Karena jadwal yang lowong ini, masuk kelas biasanya cuma selewat aja. Anak tingkat 3 dateng pagi/siang pas ada kelas, abis selese kelasnya langsung cabut ke tempat lain. Kepanitiaan dan organisasi juga udah nggak se-intense tingkat 2. Karena udah senior, jabatan yang dipegang juga lebih tinggi. Jadi kerjaannya udah nggak ribet waktu masih jadi staf biasa.

Tingkat 4

Tingkat 4 identik dengan skripsi atau tugas akhir. Dan segala aspek kehidupan mahasiswa di tingkat 4 ini, semuanya dipusatkan ke skripsi tersebut. Walaupun kelas tinggal 1 atau bahkan enggak ada, mereka tiap hari nongol di kampus, entah ngetik di perpustakaan ditemani dengan 2 buku yang dibuka plus beberapa fotokopian jurnal atau ngejar-ngejar dosen pembimbing.
Gizi mahasiswa tingkat 4 ini biasanya juga buruk, karena stress mikirin skripsi. Muka-mukanya biasanya beler gara-gara kurang tidur ato bete gara-gara skripsinya abis diacak-acak sama dosen pembimbing. Mahasiswa tingkat 4 juga biasanya nggak punya kehidupan sosial yang aktif.

Tingkat 5 (dan seterusnya)

Kenyataan tidak selalu sesuai dengan harapan kita. Di dunia kuliah pun sama. Setelah 4 tahun berjuang keras supaya bisa lulus cepet, ternyata ada aja hal yang bisa menghalangi. Dari ada kelas yang nyangkut, atau dosen pembimbing sensi sama kita, jadinya nggak dilulus-lulusin. Dengan terpaksa, ada beberapa mahasiswa yang harus berevolusi ke mahasiswa semester 9 (dan seterusnya)
Jenis yang satu ini banyak ragamnya. Ada yang makin jarang ke kampus karena sibuk sama kerjaan lain (atau udah bodo amat sama kuliahan). Ada yang masih rajin ke kampus karena masih banyak kelas yang belom lulus. Ada juga yang nyangkut di perpustakaan, berusaha keras buat nyelesein tugas akhir yang susahnya setengah mati. Ada juga yang gak jelas ngapain, tapi tiap hari ke kampus, dianggap tetua, trus hobinya gangguin anak-anak tingkat 1. Walaupun jenis ini beraneka ragam, mereka punya sebuah kesamaan, yaitu sebuah alergi pada 2 kata : “Kapan lulus ?”

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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

PAK LEBAI MALANG (from West Sumatra)

Pak Lebai was an old man living in a village by the river. Everyday, he used his sampan for travelling at the river. Pak Lebai had a bad habit. He always changed his mind before he did something. He was an inconsistent man. One day, Pak Lebai was invited to a party by his neighbor. Pak lebai was happy. He loved party because he could eat delicious food. He also could get a buffalo's head from the party. Still on the same day, he got another invitation. Those two party invitations made him confused. The two parties were held at the same time, but at different places. The two neighbors who invited him lived in different sides of the river. One neighbor lived on the east side and the other one lived in the west side. "If I go to the west side, I will only get one buffalo’s head. If I go to the east side, I can have two heads of buffalo. But the host at the west side is friendlier,” he said to himself. He was confused.
On the following day, Pak Lebai paddled his sampan to the party at the west side of the river. But then he changed his mind and went to the east side. On the way there, he met with some friends. "The party is awful. There are not many buffalo's heads," said one of them. So, Pak Lebai turned back his sampan again and went to the west side. Unfortunately, the party was already over when he arrived there. Pak Lebai immediately paddled his sampan to the east side again. But he also missed the party.
Pak Lebai was upset and blaming himself for being so inconsistent. He was so hungry and tired because he was padding back and forth in the river. He then fell asleep in his sampan. He did not realize that his sampan was drifting away at the river. When he woke up, he was already in the different village. That’s why all his neighbors started to call him Pak Lebai Malang (poor mister Lebai).***

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Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Kebo Iwa (Folklore From Bali)

ONCE upon a time in Bali, a man and his wife were praying. They have been married for a long time but did not have any children. They asked God to give them a child. They prayed and prayed.

God finally answered their pray. The wife, then, got pregnant and they had a baby boy. They were very happy.

The baby was extraordinary. He was very much different from other babies. He ate and drank a lot. Day after day he ate more and more. His body was getting bigger and bigger. And by the time he was a teenager, his body was as big as a buffalo. People then started to call him Kebo Iwa.

Because of his eating habit, Kebo Iwa’s parents spent a lot of money to buy his food in large amount. They finally went bankrupt. They gave up and asked the villagers to help them provide the food.

The villagers then worked together to cook and build a big house for Kebo Iwa. He was like a giant. He could not stay in his parents’ house anymore because of his big body. Sadly, after a few months, the villagers also could not afford to cook him the food. They then asked Kebo Iwa to cook his own food. The villagers just prepared the raw materials.

Kebo Iwa agreed and as an expression of his gratitude to the villagers, he built a dam, dug wells, and he also protected the villagers from animals and people who wanted to attack their village. He did those things by himself.

Meanwhile, the troops of Majapahit were planning to attack Bali. They knew about Kebo Iwa. And they also knew that they could not conquer Bali with Kebo Iwa there. Kebo Iwa was more powerful than they were.

Gajah Mada, the Maha Patih (Chief Minister) of Majapahit then planned something. They were pretending to invite Kebo Iwa to Majapahit to help them dig some wells. They said that Majapahit was suffering from a long dry season and needed much water. Kebo Iwa did not know the plan, so he went to Majapahit.

When Kebo Iwa was busy digging a very big well, the troops covered the well. Kebo Iwa had difficulty in breathing and buried alive. He died inside the well.

After the death of Kebo Iwa, Bali was conquered by Majapahit. Until now, people still remember Kebo Iwa because he had done a lot for Majapahit and Bali. The stone head of legendary Kebo Iwa can be found in Pura Gaduh temple in Blahbatuh.

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Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


Long time ago in Sulawesi Island, lived a man named Intobu. He lived alone with his only son, named Impalak. They were poor. Everyday they work as fishermen. They went to the sea every night to catch fish, even in bad weather. Intobu always advised his son, “Being fishermen is our only income. Do not take the bad weather as our enemy.” Impalak nodded. “Yes, Father,” he replied.
Intobu and Impalak worked as fishermen for years. But, Impalak started to feel bored with the job. He wanted to try something new. He wanted to make a better living for his father and himself. One day, Impalak tried to talk to his father about his desire. “Father…, please forgives me,” Impalak felt hesitated. “What is it, my son?” Intobu was curious seeing his son’s strange attitude. “Father, actually I want to quit working as fisherman. I want to go abroad and try working something else,” explained Impalak.
Intobu was sad hearing his son’s decision, but he also wanted Impalak to be a successful person. “If that is your decision, I couldn’t do anything else but to allow you. I can only pray for your safety and success” said Intobu. “But I want you to always remember your homeland. Always remember your father,” he continued. “Yes, Father. I will remember. Thank you,” said Impalak happily.
In the next day, Impalak went to the harbor. He saw a bagga (sailboat) and went to see the owner. “Excuse me, Sir. I’m wondering if I can sail with you?” asked Impalak. The bagga’s owner was silent for a moment. “It’s not a problem for me. But why do you want to sail with me, and have you asked permission from your parents?” asked the bagga’s owner then. “I worked here as fishermen with my father, but I want to try my luck abroad. My father already agreed with my plan,” said Impalak. “All right, I will set sail tomorrow. Come met me here in the morning. And by the way, what’s your name?” asked the bagga’s owner. “Thank you, Sir. My name is Impalak, Sir,” Impalak answered happily.
Back in his house, Impalak told his father about the bagga boat. “When do you depart?” asked Intobu. “Tomorrow, Father,” answered Impalak. The next morning, impalak went to the harbor together with his father. The bagga was ready to set sail. “Hurry, Impalak!” shout the bagga’s owner. Impalak kissed his father’s hand, “I’m going, Father. Take care,” said Impalak. “Go, Son. My blessing is with you,” said Intobu. There were tears in his eyes as he saw the bagga leaving the harbor.
A few years passed. Every time Intobu saw a bagga boat, he always hoped that his son is coming home. But there’s no news at all from Impalak. One day, Intobu went fishing as usual. He used his small sampan and headed to the open water near the harbor. But then he saw a bagga heading to the harbor.
When the bagga was getting close to Intobu’s sampan, he saw a handsome young man standing in front of the bagga’s deck. The young man was accompanied by his beautiful wife. Intobu recognized the young man. He was Impalak, his son. “Impalak! Impalak, my son!” Intobu shout happily.
Impalak heard his father’s shouting, but he ignored him. “Honey, there’s someone down there calling your name. Is that your father?” asked his wife. “No, he’s not my father. Just ignore him, honey” Impalak was embarrassed to acknowledge his old father in front of his beautiful wife.
Intobu tried to row his sampan closer to the bagga, but suddenly there’s a big waves in the sea. Intobu’s sampan was hit by the waves and almost drowned. “Help… Help me… Impalak, help…!” Intobu was shouting, asking help from his son. But Impalak ignored his father. He even turned his bagga into the opposite direction from Intobu’s sampan.
Intobu’s heart was broken to see his son’s ignorance. His felling is mixed with sadness and anger. He looked into the sky and prayed, “Oh, God. Please hear my prayer. I curse that rebellious son’s bagga into stone.” Not long after Intobu said the prayer, a storm came and struck Impalak’s bagga. The wind blew so hard, pushing the bagga to the shore. Suddenly, the bagga and Impalak turned into stone. The stone still exist until now. People called it Batu Bagga (Bagga Stone).***

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Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

THE PARAKEET KING (nangroe aceh darussalam)

Once upon a time, there was a group of parakeets in the forest. The parakeets group was led by a king. One day, their peaceful life was threatened by a hunter who planned to catch and sell them in the market. The hunter put some glues around the parakeet’s nests to trap them. Some parakeets and the parakeet king were trapped on the glues that the hunter set up before. They had tried to release themselves from the trap, but their efforts resulted nothing. All of them cried for help, except their king. “Relax my friends! This glue is put by the hunter. He wants to catch us alive. If we die, he will not bring us with him. I suggest we all pretend to be dead when he comes to take us tomorrow. When the hunter releases us from this trap, he will checks whether we still alive or not. If he thinks we are dead, he will leave us here. Please wait for my counting to one hundred, and then we will fly together,” the parakeet king said calmly. All parakeets agreed with the idea, “Good idea. Tomorrow we will pretend to be dead to free ourselves from the hunter.”
The hunter came in the next morning, and released those parakeets one by one from the trap. Finding all of them had not breathed, the hunter was very upset. The parakeets were left unattended in the ground, and the hunter walked home. But suddenly, the hunter slipped and felt down. Surprised by the accident, the pretending parakeets flied and scattered to all directions without waiting for the king‘s counting. The hunter realized that the parakeets had deceived him. But then he saw one bird was still on the ground. It was the parakeet king who was still pretending to be dead. "Gotcha!" he seized the parakeet king. “I’ll kill you,” said the hunter in his anger. “Forgive me, sir! Please do not kill me! Please release me,” the parakeet king asked for mercy. But the hunter replied angrily, “I will not release you. Your friends and you have fooled me. But I’ll not kill you if you promise to entertain me,” the hunter said. “Okay, sir. I’ll chirp for you everyday,” said the parakeet king agreed.
The hunter then brought the parakeet king to his home. He put the parakeet in a cage. The parakeet king chirped melodiously everyday to please the hunter. “Wonderful voice, luckily I didn’t kill him,” said the hunter. The news about the beautiful voice of the parakeet king was heard by the king of Aceh. The king decided to invite the hunter to come to his palace. The king intended to buy the parakeet.
At first, the hunter refused to sell the parakeet. “Oh my Majesty, I do not intend to go up against your wish to have this bird, but it is hard for me to hand over him to you,” said the hunter. “I would like to buy him with high price,” replied the king. After thought the price offered by the king for a while, the hunter finally said, “Oh my Majesty, if you really intend to have the bird, I would gladly sell it to you.” The king was delighted to hear the hunter‘s answer, and quickly paid him the amount of the promised money.
At the palace, the parakeet king was put in a golden cage. He was given so many delicious foods, but he still felt imprisoned. He wished that he could back home to the forest and could fly freely with his parakeet fellow. His sorrow made him sick. He stopped singing at all. “Why does my beloved bird stop chirping? Is he sick?” the king asked the guard. “My Majesty, I do not know exactly the causes. I have provided him with many delicious foods and taken care of him carefully, but he still keeps silent,” replied the guard. The king was so sad hearing the guard‘s explanation.
Meanwhile, in his golden cage, the parakeet king began to think a way to escape. He came up with an idea. “I will pretend to be dead as I had ever done before,” he said to himself. In the next morning he began to do his plan and imagined could fly freely. The palace guard who saw the condition of the parakeet king came to the king to tell the bad news. The king was very sad hearing the news, because the parakeet‘s beautiful twitter was no longer be heard. To express his love for the parakeet king, the king had his guards dug a cemetery for the dead parakeet.
The burial ceremony would be held with the kingdom tradition in the next morning. The parakeet was then taken out from the golden cage. Everybody thought that he had been dead. Suddenly, the parakeet king flied fast and high on the sky. All people were amazed seeing him, because they thought that he had died. The parakeet king got his freedom again, and flied directly to the forest.***